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Dwanna- Founder & CEO

I’ve been an avid basketball fan for as long as I can remember. Once I had a son, I was able to share my love for basketball with him. I would become his trainer and at times his coach. However, nothing pleased me more then to see him develop a love for basketball just like me. However, because I have love for the game, I decided to share my knowledge with others besides my son. So, I started training others who had a desire to learn. 

We are all very different. Therefore, our wants and needs are different as well as our hopes and dreams.  Our levels of success will even be measured differently. Maybe you like basketball and want to learn how to play. Or maybe you already know how to play basketball but want to hone one’s skills. Or is it something you want to do to just stay in shape. No matter what we want to help you achieve whatever goal you’ve set for yourself. 

One thing’s for certain if you say you want something you better be willing to work for it.  No one can want it more for you then you want it for yourself. It will never work out that way.

No matter what everyone has a purpose. So, you might as well have a plan. 

Devon- Co-Founder & Trainer


Blessed to have had basketball in my life. Basketball was the catalyst that opened the door of opportunity for me to play not only high school but collegiate basketball.

Later down the line I eventually decided to play at Bradley and Chicago State being a 2-time Division 1 Player.


I've been blessed to meet the players I look up to... Players such as LeBron James, Dwayne Wade, Eric Gordon, J.R. Smith, Candice Parker and more...

I’ve been in the rankings and have received accolades due to basketball. However, one of the greatest things is that I’ve had the opportunity to travel and meet many terrific people. For me to have done that I had to train and work hard. Therefore, I was fortunate enough to have been trained by some of the best. 

Dedicated to helping others walk into their purpose. 

Some high school moments.

Website maintained by Inisicha Friend

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